Password Analysis - LiveJournal
Updated: 29 May 2020 @ 13:25 UTC - Added additional Pipal analysis.
This is the first of my "Password Analysis" posts that I've published, but the second one I've written. I started with 000webhost, but had not completed that when this breach hit. This one is more relevant at the moment, and almost twice the size.
Further updates:
Troy Hunt's discussion of the breach:
LiveJournal's Statement:
Breaches like this are more interesting from an analysis standpoint.
First, most of these lists that make the rounds are not from a "plaintext" source. In other words, the passwords were hashes, and someone had to crack them. This inevitably leaves some that were long and complex enough that they couldn't be cracked, and thus can't be analyzed. With plaintext breaches, we can analyze even the most complex of passwords to see what's really being used. Everything I've read indicates that the passwords for LiveJournal were stored in plaintext.
Second, it's a large breach from a site that's been in service for 21 years (as of 2020). This will give us an interesting and diverse source of passwords. Small breaches may be limited to a particular time-period or geographic area and will have patterns representing that.
Third, it hasn't been de-duplicated. Most of the password lists that get distributed, such as RockYou, have had duplicates removed. If you are only distributing the passwords, you don't care about duplicate values, and thus strip these out. Having multiple passwords that are the same allows us to look for things like the most common password.
High-Level Breakdown:
This is currently, I believe, the largest plaintext password breach that I have access to (not that I have some impressively huge collection). I've seen numerous headlines stating that "26 Million" accounts were breached. While this is the number of unique email addresses in the breach (26,454,993), the total number of records is just over 7 million more (33,726,800). Of these, there are 32,931,398 passwords, and 20,266,972 of these are unique.
LiveJournal's current password policy requires 6 characters, 4 of which must be unique, and at least one upper, lower, and number. Pretty standard. However, I cannot say what this policy was 10 or 15 years ago.

One thing that I did learn from my record was that passwords were kept even if the account was deleted:
The file appears to be space-delimited with the following columns: User ID, Email, Profile URL, Password. I believe I could have used cut to grab only the password in this case, but I've run into problems with that before if previous fields contain the delimiter used (we'll see this in 000webhost). Instead, I used a short python script to delimit based on a "word" (regex can also be used) and grab everything after it. In this case, all Profile ULRs end with " " and the password immediately follows this.
import re
# Using readlines()
file1 = open('LiveJournal_com_2017_33.7M.txt', 'r')
lines = file1.readlines()
for line in lines:
split = [] ## Make sure there's nothing left here
split = re.split(" ", line)
if len(split) > 2:
print("Multiple Delimiters: " + line)
print(split[1], end = '')
print("Something Wrong: " + line)
Grepping for "Multiple Delimiters" and "Something Wrong" from the resulting file indicates that everything split out correctly.
- 400 passwords ended with a space
- 116,180 passwords contained a space
- 795,402 lines have nothing in the password field (not as a result of my script above, the password was blank, null, nada...)
- The most popular non-null password was used 143,658 times (bot?)
- The frequency (count) of the next 8 most common: 41918, 40534, 34688, 31286, 27625, 22439, 21520, and 17943
- The longest password was 50 characters long (only one of these)
- The shortest (other than null) was 1 character, there were 118 of these
- 9,749 passwords appear to be email addresses
- 310 appear to be valid IPv4 addresses.
- 5,989 have the appearance of pin numbers (4 digit numbers).
There are two tools I like to use when analyzing passwords, PACK, and Pipal. Let's start with PACK. I'm going to include the full results at the bottom of this article. Here's the interesting tidbits that I got from the results though.
PACK Analysis
As we see with other sites, even though LiveJournal only (currently) requires a six-character password, the most common length is eight (25%). This is followed by lengths of 10, 9, 11, and 7 (15%, 14%, 11%, and 10% respectively).
Nearly half (47%) of all passwords were 8 characters or less. 86% were less than 12 characters long. I've mentioned before that people trend towards 8 character passwords, even when that isn't the minimum. It's not so much that people are lazy, it's that we've trained them to that length. Raise your required minimum length, and you will decrease the odds that your userbase is using a previously breached 8 character password.
I mentioned earlier that the current minimum length is 6 characters. However, we have 71,592 that fall below this minimum. I can only guess that these were very early accounts, before a minimum was required, or were test/dev accounts, or were in some other way modified on the backend. These accounted for only about 0.2% of all passwords.
The character sets and masks are pretty much what you would expect. Loweralphanum (e.g. password1) making up the majority (58% and also violating the current password requirements). Followed by mixedalphanum (e.g. Password1) at 16%.
Pipal Basic Analysis
A large portion of this reflects the same thing as the PACK Analysis. I've redacted the top 10 passwords and basewords. My intent here is to provide an overall view of the credentials in use. The base words are, frankly, simple enough that they give away too much. Suffice to say that you would see the usual suspects in there.
The only new item here worth looking at is the "Last 4 digits". We see the standard "1234" patterns, but we also see a lot of what appears to be birth years (mid to late 1980's). No surprise, but it's always fun to have hard evidence of something you've long instinctively known.
Pipal Additional Analysis
The additional Pipal checkers are in. The run took significantly longer than the progress bar indicated, sorry about that. Again, I'm seeing things that I've instinctively known, or maybe heard about a long time ago. For instance, I recall reading that if someone is trying to guess password reset questions, and one is "What was my first car?", the likely answer is Ford, since it's the most popular brand of car (in the US anyway). Scroll down the the Vehicle section, and you'll see that, other than the word "car" itself, Ford is the most popular name.
Other things we see: "Love" is a very popular word ("the four most-used passwords are: love, sex, secret, and... god"). God is popular in the religious category, but takes second place to "sin". "Sex" and "secret" weren't included in any of the word lists for some reason, but I ran a custom checker and you can see the results at the very bottom.
"Army" beat out Navy, Marines, and Airforce (Go Army). Coast Guard wasn't even listed... sorry guys, that's cold. Summer is the most popular season, red is the most popular color. Some of the special characters don't render, but ! is, no surprize, the most frequent here.
For some reason, the dates category isn't properly sorted. 1987 is the most popular year, May is the most popular month, and Sunday is the most popular day.
Again, not much of this is a surprize. If I had to guess the most popular color, it would have been red. The Army has the most service members, Ford sells the most cars. If people are asked to add a special character to their password, they use an !.
Out of all of this, I think the only thing that wasn't entirely expected were the states. I would expect these to be very nearly in order of population. Certainly the usual suspects are near the top (California, Texas, Florida, and New York). However, so are some states that do not have a high population. Hawaii expect, now that I see the results, as a vacation spot. However, Maine and Montana are also pretty high up there.
Honestly, I see exactly what I expect to see here. Having already started on the 000webhost breach, I can tell you that a lot of this looks very familiar. If you would like me to look for anything in particular, certain patters that others might find interesting, please leave a comment.
PACK Results
StatsGen 0.0.3 | |
_ __ __ _ ___| | _
| '_ \ / _` |/ __| |/ /
| |_) | (_| | (__| <
| .__/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\
| |
|_| [email protected]
[*] Analyzing passwords in [../LiveJournal_Split.txt]
[+] Analyzing 100% (32931398/32931398) of passwords
NOTE: Statistics below is relative to the number of analyzed passwords, not total number of passwords
[*] Length:
[+] 8: 25% (8399362)
[+] 10: 15% (5009359)
[+] 9: 14% (4688371)
[+] 7: 11% (3863624)
[+] 11: 10% (3300608)
[+] 6: 09% (3065557)
[+] 12: 05% (1660693)
[+] 13: 03% (1210805)
[+] 14: 02% (875064)
[+] 15: 01% (330028)
[+] 16: 00% (203177)
[+] 17: 00% (88456)
[+] 18: 00% (51176)
[+] 5: 00% (40106)
[+] 19: 00% (32139)
[+] 20: 00% (29389)
[+] 4: 00% (27202)
[+] 21: 00% (14024)
[+] 22: 00% (9970)
[+] 23: 00% (6716)
[+] 24: 00% (5764)
[+] 25: 00% (5310)
[+] 3: 00% (3694)
[+] 26: 00% (2671)
[+] 30: 00% (2240)
[+] 27: 00% (1996)
[+] 28: 00% (1617)
[+] 29: 00% (1415)
[+] 2: 00% (472)
[+] 31: 00% (173)
[+] 1: 00% (118)
[+] 32: 00% (75)
[+] 33: 00% (18)
[+] 34: 00% (4)
[+] 36: 00% (2)
[+] 35: 00% (1)
[+] 49: 00% (1)
[+] 50: 00% (1)
[*] Character-set:
[+] loweralphanum: 58% (19335273)
[+] mixedalphanum: 16% (5289338)
[+] loweralpha: 11% (3674165)
[+] numeric: 07% (2591201)
[+] loweralphaspecial: 02% (704029)
[+] loweralphaspecialnum: 01% (525120)
[+] all: 00% (257524)
[+] upperalphanum: 00% (233814)
[+] mixedalpha: 00% (108380)
[+] mixedalphaspecial: 00% (102680)
[+] specialnum: 00% (44775)
[+] upperalpha: 00% (30093)
[+] upperalphaspecialnum: 00% (18191)
[+] upperalphaspecial: 00% (12386)
[+] special: 00% (4429)
[*] Password complexity:
[+] digit: min(0) max(30)
[+] lower: min(0) max(30)
[+] upper: min(0) max(30)
[+] special: min(0) max(33)
[*] Simple Masks:
[+] stringdigit: 48% (15826969)
[+] othermask: 15% (5074757)
[+] string: 11% (3812638)
[+] digit: 07% (2591201)
[+] stringdigitstring: 07% (2461290)
[+] digitstring: 04% (1493506)
[+] digitstringdigit: 01% (571199)
[+] stringspecial: 00% (327409)
[+] stringspecialstring: 00% (321841)
[+] stringspecialdigit: 00% (165224)
[+] stringdigitspecial: 00% (108105)
[+] specialstring: 00% (46077)
[+] specialstringdigit: 00% (23965)
[+] specialstringspecial: 00% (23560)
[+] digitstringspecial: 00% (20500)
[+] digitspecialstring: 00% (19523)
[+] digitspecial: 00% (12036)
[+] digitspecialdigit: 00% (11687)
[+] specialdigitstring: 00% (8587)
[+] special: 00% (4429)
[+] specialdigit: 00% (3841)
[+] specialdigitspecial: 00% (3054)
[*] Advanced Masks:
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 03% (1177671)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d: 03% (1007357)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 02% (950397)
[+] ?d?d?d?d?d?d: 02% (921747)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 02% (819665)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 02% (817329)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 02% (772278)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 02% (711843)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 01% (629854)
[+] ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d: 01% (595713)
[+] ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d: 01% (580635)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 01% (525628)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 01% (518298)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 01% (455080)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 01% (452830)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 01% (422924)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?d?d?d?d: 01% (422085)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d: 01% (414432)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?l: 01% (390194)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?d: 01% (374615)
[+] ?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d: 01% (329597)
Pipal Basic Results
Generating stats, hit CTRL-C to finish early and dump stats on words already processed.
Please wait...
Processing: 100% |oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo| Time: 00:51:31
Basic Results
Total entries = 32931398
Total unique entries = 20266886
Top 10 passwords
Top 10 base words
Password length (length ordered)
1 = 118 (0.0%)
2 = 472 (0.0%)
3 = 3694 (0.01%)
4 = 27202 (0.08%)
5 = 40106 (0.12%)
6 = 3065569 (9.31%)
7 = 3863629 (11.73%)
8 = 8399393 (25.51%)
9 = 4688372 (14.24%)
10 = 5009359 (15.21%)
11 = 3300600 (10.02%)
12 = 1660693 (5.04%)
13 = 1210786 (3.68%)
14 = 875070 (2.66%)
15 = 330014 (1.0%)
16 = 203181 (0.62%)
17 = 88461 (0.27%)
18 = 51160 (0.16%)
19 = 32138 (0.1%)
20 = 29391 (0.09%)
21 = 14023 (0.04%)
22 = 9965 (0.03%)
23 = 6718 (0.02%)
24 = 5766 (0.02%)
25 = 5307 (0.02%)
26 = 2670 (0.01%)
27 = 1997 (0.01%)
28 = 1614 (0.0%)
29 = 1416 (0.0%)
30 = 2242 (0.01%)
31 = 170 (0.0%)
32 = 76 (0.0%)
33 = 17 (0.0%)
34 = 4 (0.0%)
35 = 1 (0.0%)
36 = 2 (0.0%)
49 = 1 (0.0%)
50 = 1 (0.0%)
Password length (count ordered)
8 = 8399393 (25.51%)
10 = 5009359 (15.21%)
9 = 4688372 (14.24%)
7 = 3863629 (11.73%)
11 = 3300600 (10.02%)
6 = 3065569 (9.31%)
12 = 1660693 (5.04%)
13 = 1210786 (3.68%)
14 = 875070 (2.66%)
15 = 330014 (1.0%)
16 = 203181 (0.62%)
17 = 88461 (0.27%)
18 = 51160 (0.16%)
5 = 40106 (0.12%)
19 = 32138 (0.1%)
20 = 29391 (0.09%)
4 = 27202 (0.08%)
21 = 14023 (0.04%)
22 = 9965 (0.03%)
23 = 6718 (0.02%)
24 = 5766 (0.02%)
25 = 5307 (0.02%)
3 = 3694 (0.01%)
26 = 2670 (0.01%)
30 = 2242 (0.01%)
27 = 1997 (0.01%)
28 = 1614 (0.0%)
29 = 1416 (0.0%)
2 = 472 (0.0%)
31 = 170 (0.0%)
1 = 118 (0.0%)
32 = 76 (0.0%)
33 = 17 (0.0%)
34 = 4 (0.0%)
36 = 2 (0.0%)
35 = 1 (0.0%)
49 = 1 (0.0%)
50 = 1 (0.0%)
| |
One to six characters = 3137161 (9.53%)
One to eight characters = 15400183 (46.76'%)
More than eight characters = 17531215 (53.24%)
Only lowercase alpha = 3674166 (11.16%)
Only uppercase alpha = 30093 (0.09%)
Only alpha = 3704259 (11.25%)
Only numeric = 2591208 (7.87%)
First capital last symbol = 82663 (0.25%)
First capital last number = 2543712 (7.72%)
Single digit on the end = 6725670 (20.42%)
Two digits on the end = 6224625 (18.9%)
Three digits on the end = 3112926 (9.45%)
Last number
0 = 1727069 (5.24%)
1 = 4250437 (12.91%)
2 = 2364676 (7.18%)
3 = 2639817 (8.02%)
4 = 1784611 (5.42%)
5 = 1838916 (5.58%)
6 = 1785706 (5.42%)
7 = 1942338 (5.9%)
8 = 1705911 (5.18%)
9 = 1721176 (5.23%)
| |
||| |
Last digit
1 = 4250437 (12.91%)
3 = 2639817 (8.02%)
2 = 2364676 (7.18%)
7 = 1942338 (5.9%)
5 = 1838916 (5.58%)
6 = 1785706 (5.42%)
4 = 1784611 (5.42%)
0 = 1727069 (5.24%)
9 = 1721176 (5.23%)
8 = 1705911 (5.18%)
Last 2 digits (Top 10)
23 = 808520 (2.46%)
12 = 398525 (1.21%)
11 = 358251 (1.09%)
13 = 315184 (0.96%)
89 = 293064 (0.89%)
21 = 287895 (0.87%)
88 = 273836 (0.83%)
01 = 268552 (0.82%)
10 = 252617 (0.77%)
22 = 250513 (0.76%)
Last 3 digits (Top 10)
123 = 575388 (1.75%)
234 = 117067 (0.36%)
666 = 111515 (0.34%)
321 = 97464 (0.3%)
789 = 73682 (0.22%)
987 = 69781 (0.21%)
345 = 64797 (0.2%)
007 = 63863 (0.19%)
000 = 58796 (0.18%)
010 = 54770 (0.17%)
Last 4 digits (Top 10)
1234 = 102676 (0.31%)
2345 = 52340 (0.16%)
6789 = 49704 (0.15%)
1987 = 48079 (0.15%)
2010 = 45085 (0.14%)
1986 = 42106 (0.13%)
1989 = 41713 (0.13%)
1988 = 40990 (0.12%)
1985 = 39618 (0.12%)
1984 = 37057 (0.11%)
Last 5 digits (Top 10)
12345 = 50049 (0.15%)
56789 = 48067 (0.15%)
23456 = 23589 (0.07%)
54321 = 22928 (0.07%)
55321 = 22027 (0.07%)
67890 = 11185 (0.03%)
59753 = 7254 (0.02%)
42536 = 6639 (0.02%)
41234 = 5061 (0.02%)
23123 = 4340 (0.01%)
Character sets
loweralphanum: 19335446 (58.71%)
mixedalphanum: 5289429 (16.06%)
loweralpha: 3674166 (11.16%)
numeric: 2591208 (7.87%)
loweralphaspecial: 590660 (1.79%)
loweralphaspecialnum: 446557 (1.36%)
upperalphanum: 233823 (0.71%)
mixedalphaspecialnum: 207096 (0.63%)
mixedalpha: 108381 (0.33%)
mixedalphaspecial: 78555 (0.24%)
specialnum: 36915 (0.11%)
upperalpha: 30093 (0.09%)
upperalphaspecialnum: 14512 (0.04%)
upperalphaspecial: 9051 (0.03%)
special: 695 (0.0%)
Character set ordering
stringdigit: 15827100 (48.06%)
othermask: 5416242 (16.45%)
allstring: 3812640 (11.58%)
alldigit: 2591208 (7.87%)
stringdigitstring: 2461332 (7.47%)
digitstring: 1493538 (4.54%)
digitstringdigit: 571208 (1.73%)
stringspecial: 308227 (0.94%)
stringspecialstring: 249314 (0.76%)
stringspecialdigit: 140566 (0.43%)
specialstring: 39824 (0.12%)
specialstringspecial: 19504 (0.06%)
allspecial: 695 (0.0%)
Pipal Additional Results
red = 92724 (0.28%)
blue = 50803 (0.15%)
pink = 37561 (0.11%)
green = 34049 (0.1%)
black = 31035 (0.09%)
purple = 14554 (0.04%)
white = 14241 (0.04%)
orange = 13803 (0.04%)
yellow = 11862 (0.04%)
brown = 7388 (0.02%)
gray = 3200 (0.01%)
violet = 3050 (0.01%)
indigo = 1515 (0.0%)
love = 429525 (1.3%)
luv = 74870 (0.23%)
hate = 47396 (0.14%)
heart = 30679 (0.09%)
bad = 28741 (0.09%)
good = 27479 (0.08%)
sad = 22940 (0.07%)
like = 22633 (0.07%)
happy = 20305 (0.06%)
crazy = 13271 (0.04%)
trust = 11542 (0.04%)
great = 10276 (0.03%)
joy = 10120 (0.03%)
hope = 9523 (0.03%)
pain = 7102 (0.02%)
awesome = 4774 (0.01%)
kind = 3927 (0.01%)
fear = 3475 (0.01%)
hurt = 3258 (0.01%)
beautiful = 3030 (0.01%)
insane = 1792 (0.01%)
pity = 1633 (0.0%)
bored = 1570 (0.0%)
confuse = 1138 (0.0%)
envy = 910 (0.0%)
angry = 786 (0.0%)
tired = 627 (0.0%)
shame = 533 (0.0%)
fuck = 85875 (0.26%)
hell = 61795 (0.19%)
butt = 33703 (0.1%)
suck = 33096 (0.1%)
shit = 26406 (0.08%)
bitch = 23020 (0.07%)
gay = 16879 (0.05%)
dick = 12219 (0.04%)
fag = 11383 (0.03%)
stupid = 8061 (0.02%)
boob = 7670 (0.02%)
cock = 7453 (0.02%)
cunt = 7230 (0.02%)
whore = 5863 (0.02%)
crap = 5831 (0.02%)
damn = 5488 (0.02%)
dumb = 5371 (0.02%)
slut = 5266 (0.02%)
anal = 5242 (0.02%)
rape = 5189 (0.02%)
balls = 4911 (0.01%)
asshole = 4793 (0.01%)
penis = 4542 (0.01%)
nigger = 3716 (0.01%)
porn = 3432 (0.01%)
homo = 3283 (0.01%)
pussy = 3267 (0.01%)
coon = 1639 (0.0%)
retard = 1630 (0.0%)
twat = 1500 (0.0%)
jackass = 1440 (0.0%)
pron = 1386 (0.0%)
dyke = 1341 (0.0%)
queer = 1038 (0.0%)
bites = 890 (0.0%)
bugger = 857 (0.0%)
tramp = 758 (0.0%)
clit = 636 (0.0%)
blows = 474 (0.0%)
pr0n = 431 (0.0%)
blowjob = 325 (0.0%)
prick = 294 (0.0%)
son = 121315 (0.37%)
baby = 66107 (0.2%)
pop = 40795 (0.12%)
mom = 36391 (0.11%)
lover = 36219 (0.11%)
kid = 29747 (0.09%)
dad = 24793 (0.08%)
mama = 17093 (0.05%)
nana = 16346 (0.05%)
twin = 9044 (0.03%)
mother = 8244 (0.03%)
child = 7600 (0.02%)
papa = 6841 (0.02%)
family = 4890 (0.01%)
sister = 3609 (0.01%)
brother = 2518 (0.01%)
aunt = 2223 (0.01%)
wife = 2200 (0.01%)
father = 1434 (0.0%)
babies = 1329 (0.0%)
uncle = 1233 (0.0%)
grandm = 1039 (0.0%)
grandma = 947 (0.0%)
daughter = 660 (0.0%)
married = 578 (0.0%)
wive = 572 (0.0%)
grandp = 509 (0.0%)
parent = 493 (0.0%)
grandpa = 342 (0.0%)
husband = 274 (0.0%)
partner = 242 (0.0%)
marriage = 202 (0.0%)
niece = 166 (0.0%)
pregnant = 121 (0.0%)
inlaw = 54 (0.0%)
nephew = 49 (0.0%)
grandfather = 27 (0.0%)
spouse = 18 (0.0%)
gun = 22335 (0.07%)
sub = 15878 (0.05%)
jet = 15478 (0.05%)
bomb = 6054 (0.02%)
ranger = 4416 (0.01%)
ship = 4382 (0.01%)
tank = 4251 (0.01%)
rocket = 3203 (0.01%)
army = 3125 (0.01%)
warrior = 2718 (0.01%)
navy = 2456 (0.01%)
marine = 2445 (0.01%)
boat = 2329 (0.01%)
seal = 1884 (0.01%)
bullet = 1852 (0.01%)
captain = 1645 (0.0%)
intel = 1566 (0.0%)
camo = 1552 (0.0%)
pilot = 1484 (0.0%)
sniper = 1036 (0.0%)
airforce = 638 (0.0%)
protect = 592 (0.0%)
defend = 590 (0.0%)
airborn = 221 (0.0%)
medal = 213 (0.0%)
missile = 65 (0.0%)
classified = 48 (0.0%)
air force = 11 (0.0%)
specialforce = 8 (0.0%)
sin = 51588 (0.16%)
god = 44195 (0.13%)
jesus = 19029 (0.06%)
evil = 18539 (0.06%)
christ = 14152 (0.04%)
jew = 10155 (0.03%)
lord = 9554 (0.03%)
hope = 9523 (0.03%)
devil = 8221 (0.02%)
grace = 6890 (0.02%)
faith = 6024 (0.02%)
holy = 6013 (0.02%)
rabbi = 5119 (0.02%)
heaven = 4433 (0.01%)
satan = 3463 (0.01%)
spirit = 3460 (0.01%)
bless = 3321 (0.01%)
saint = 2527 (0.01%)
allah = 2428 (0.01%)
kingdom = 2414 (0.01%)
pope = 2031 (0.01%)
pray = 1913 (0.01%)
psalm = 1553 (0.0%)
paradise = 1533 (0.0%)
buddha = 1310 (0.0%)
bible = 882 (0.0%)
islam = 732 (0.0%)
sacred = 702 (0.0%)
prophet = 575 (0.0%)
praise = 498 (0.0%)
priest = 481 (0.0%)
proverb = 415 (0.0%)
savior = 410 (0.0%)
charity = 354 (0.0%)
redemption = 263 (0.0%)
mulla = 236 (0.0%)
religion = 227 (0.0%)
redeem = 200 (0.0%)
koran = 180 (0.0%)
hallelujah = 178 (0.0%)
saviour = 143 (0.0%)
hindu = 142 (0.0%)
cleric = 121 (0.0%)
minister = 116 (0.0%)
torah = 100 (0.0%)
repent = 81 (0.0%)
way = 41251 (0.13%)
lane = 8991 (0.03%)
road = 8240 (0.03%)
walk = 7898 (0.02%)
street = 4911 (0.01%)
court = 4524 (0.01%)
drive = 3530 (0.01%)
place = 3209 (0.01%)
alley = 2967 (0.01%)
bridge = 2434 (0.01%)
square = 1361 (0.0%)
route = 779 (0.0%)
avenue = 572 (0.0%)
highway = 415 (0.0%)
terrace = 154 (0.0%)
tunnel = 130 (0.0%)
parkway = 70 (0.0%)
interstate = 64 (0.0%)
boulevard = 61 (0.0%)
summer = 13880 (0.04%)
fall = 13790 (0.04%)
winter = 7067 (0.02%)
spring = 4148 (0.01%)
autumn = 2145 (0.01%)
ball = 47964 (0.15%)
run = 31970 (0.1%)
mma = 27102 (0.08%)
soccer = 14152 (0.04%)
race = 13386 (0.04%)
swim = 6103 (0.02%)
fight = 4502 (0.01%)
hockey = 4226 (0.01%)
softball = 3280 (0.01%)
football = 2615 (0.01%)
baseball = 2477 (0.01%)
basketball = 2087 (0.01%)
bowl = 2008 (0.01%)
rugby = 761 (0.0%)
marathon = 205 (0.0%)
olympic = 202 (0.0%)
archery = 87 (0.0%)
martial = 76 (0.0%)
car = 101125 (0.31%)
ford = 9976 (0.03%)
bmw = 4829 (0.01%)
audi = 4653 (0.01%)
honda = 2960 (0.01%)
truck = 2799 (0.01%)
dodge = 1780 (0.01%)
chevy = 1453 (0.0%)
ferrari = 1449 (0.0%)
jeep = 1398 (0.0%)
mercedes = 1135 (0.0%)
toyota = 892 (0.0%)
cadillac = 240 (0.0%)
porshe = 141 (0.0%)
volkswagon = 97 (0.0%)
hate = 47396 (0.14%)
kill = 29116 (0.09%)
dead = 18442 (0.06%)
death = 15619 (0.05%)
gut = 8341 (0.03%)
beat = 8002 (0.02%)
bomb = 6054 (0.02%)
rage = 5345 (0.02%)
fight = 4502 (0.01%)
riot = 3764 (0.01%)
shoot = 1956 (0.01%)
stab = 1898 (0.01%)
attack = 1357 (0.0%)
slice = 643 (0.0%)
revolt = 320 (0.0%)
explode = 128 (0.0%)
newyork = 3996 (0.01%)
texas = 2428 (0.01%)
hawaii = 2032 (0.01%)
florida = 1833 (0.01%)
maine = 1573 (0.0%)
california = 1298 (0.0%)
montana = 1155 (0.0%)
alaska = 1118 (0.0%)
georgia = 1111 (0.0%)
ohio = 1012 (0.0%)
arizona = 967 (0.0%)
utah = 871 (0.0%)
alabama = 848 (0.0%)
virginia = 837 (0.0%)
michigan = 760 (0.0%)
indiana = 723 (0.0%)
colorado = 638 (0.0%)
iowa = 634 (0.0%)
oregon = 576 (0.0%)
washington = 551 (0.0%)
kansas = 533 (0.0%)
nevada = 414 (0.0%)
oklahoma = 363 (0.0%)
kentucky = 326 (0.0%)
mississippi = 323 (0.0%)
vermont = 298 (0.0%)
maryland = 255 (0.0%)
idaho = 237 (0.0%)
newjersey = 211 (0.0%)
wyoming = 180 (0.0%)
tennessee = 175 (0.0%)
illinois = 172 (0.0%)
minnesota = 167 (0.0%)
new york = 150 (0.0%)
wisconsin = 145 (0.0%)
missouri = 140 (0.0%)
arkansas = 130 (0.0%)
nebraska = 130 (0.0%)
northcarolina = 120 (0.0%)
delaware = 103 (0.0%)
newmexico = 74 (0.0%)
rhodeisland = 74 (0.0%)
louisiana = 70 (0.0%)
southcarolina = 62 (0.0%)
westvirginia = 37 (0.0%)
northdakota = 32 (0.0%)
connecticut = 31 (0.0%)
southdakota = 30 (0.0%)
new jersey = 27 (0.0%)
newhampshire = 21 (0.0%)
pennsylvania = 21 (0.0%)
massachusetts = 20 (0.0%)
north carolina = 6 (0.0%)
new mexico = 4 (0.0%)
new hampshire = 3 (0.0%)
rhode island = 3 (0.0%)
south carolina = 1 (0.0%)
south dakota = 1 (0.0%)
west virginia = 1 (0.0%)
january = 3259 (0.01%)
february = 1273 (0.0%)
march = 8481 (0.03%)
april = 10836 (0.03%)
may = 32840 (0.1%)
june = 13114 (0.04%)
july = 9818 (0.03%)
august = 6926 (0.02%)
september = 3323 (0.01%)
october = 6056 (0.02%)
november = 5993 (0.02%)
december = 4461 (0.01%)
monday = 1723 (0.01%)
tuesday = 687 (0.0%)
wednesday = 535 (0.0%)
thursday = 788 (0.0%)
friday = 1680 (0.01%)
saturday = 321 (0.0%)
sunday = 2170 (0.01%)
Months (Abreviated)
jan = 46540 (0.14%)
feb = 14750 (0.04%)
mar = 211172 (0.64%)
apr = 21380 (0.06%)
may = 32840 (0.1%)
jun = 36973 (0.11%)
jul = 35623 (0.11%)
aug = 21347 (0.06%)
sept = 7916 (0.02%)
oct = 19406 (0.06%)
nov = 37819 (0.11%)
dec = 24871 (0.08%)
Days (Abreviated)
mon = 146903 (0.45 %)
tues = 1143 (0.0 %)
wed = 13318 (0.04 %)
thurs = 1268 (0.0 %)
fri = 31789 (0.1 %)
sat = 24199 (0.07 %)
sun = 58933 (0.18 %)
Includes years
1975 = 17350 (0.05%)
1976 = 19276 (0.06%)
1977 = 20123 (0.06%)
1978 = 22883 (0.07%)
1979 = 25012 (0.08%)
1980 = 30304 (0.09%)
1981 = 29104 (0.09%)
1982 = 35153 (0.11%)
1983 = 38965 (0.12%)
1984 = 46768 (0.14%)
1985 = 50039 (0.15%)
1986 = 53007 (0.16%)
1987 = 61074 (0.19%)
1988 = 52078 (0.16%)
1989 = 54285 (0.16%)
1990 = 44783 (0.14%)
1991 = 37222 (0.11%)
1992 = 32541 (0.1%)
1993 = 26546 (0.08%)
1994 = 23848 (0.07%)
1995 = 19885 (0.06%)
1996 = 15625 (0.05%)
1997 = 12646 (0.04%)
1998 = 9893 (0.03%)
1999 = 9395 (0.03%)
2000 = 31066 (0.09%)
2001 = 20973 (0.06%)
2002 = 21145 (0.06%)
2003 = 25892 (0.08%)
2004 = 32467 (0.1%)
2005 = 36561 (0.11%)
2006 = 40596 (0.12%)
2007 = 35410 (0.11%)
2008 = 36142 (0.11%)
2009 = 37813 (0.11%)
2010 = 55712 (0.17%)
2011 = 39441 (0.12%)
2012 = 14861 (0.05%)
2013 = 4719 (0.01%)
2014 = 2938 (0.01%)
2015 = 2438 (0.01%)
2016 = 2623 (0.01%)
2017 = 2295 (0.01%)
2018 = 3516 (0.01%)
2019 = 6580 (0.02%)
2020 = 5745 (0.02%)
Years (Top 10)
1987 = 61074 (0.19%)
2010 = 55712 (0.17%)
1989 = 54285 (0.16%)
1986 = 53007 (0.16%)
1988 = 52078 (0.16%)
1985 = 50039 (0.15%)
1984 = 46768 (0.14%)
1990 = 44783 (0.14%)
2006 = 40596 (0.12%)
2011 = 39441 (0.12%)
Hashcat masks (Top 10)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 1177678 (3.58%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d?d: 1007357 (3.06%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?d?d: 950399 (2.89%)
?d?d?d?d?d?d: 921748 (2.8%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 819665 (2.49%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 817331 (2.48%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 772278 (2.35%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?d: 711846 (2.16%)
?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l: 629854 (1.91%)
?d?d?d?d?d?d?d: 595713 (1.81%)
Special Checker
! = 398766 (1.21%)
_ = 252451 (0.77%)
. = 241718 (0.73%)
@ = 188117 (0.57%)
- = 163714 (0.5%)
* = 136753 (0.42%)
, = 99260 (0.3%)
# = 84348 (0.26%)
$ = 82985 (0.25%)
; = 61294 (0.19%)
& = 43532 (0.13%)
( = 40501 (0.12%)
[ = 40323 (0.12%)
\ = 39797 (0.12%)
/ = 35969 (0.11%)
) = 32817 (0.1%)
% = 29422 (0.09%)
' = 28258 (0.09%)
? = 28060 (0.09%)
+ = 27041 (0.08%)
< = 26957 (0.08%)
^ = 22286 (0.07%)
= = 19643 (0.06%)
: = 14178 (0.04%)
~ = 13934 (0.04%)
] = 10182 (0.03%)
` = 9439 (0.03%)
> = 6035 (0.02%)
" = 4424 (0.01%)
| = 3459 (0.01%)
{ = 3023 (0.01%)
} = 1916 (0.01%)
= 34 (0.0%)
= 5 (0.0%)
Ð = 4 (0.0%)
= 4 (0.0%)
= 3 (0.0%)
= 3 (0.0%)
= 3 (0.0%)
= 3 (0.0%)
Ñ = 2 (0.0%)
„ = 2 (0.0%)
² = 2 (0.0%)
¿ = 2 (0.0%)
2 (0.0%)
= 2 (0.0%)
= 2 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
= 1 (0.0%)
love = 429525 (1.3%)
sex = 48995 (0.15%)
god = 44195 (0.13%)
secret = 11491 (0.03%)